企业等级: | 普通会员 |
经营模式: | 生产加工 |
所在地区: | 江苏 南京 |
联系卖家: | 郑总 女士 |
手机号码: | 15996309991 |
公司官网: | |
公司地址: | 南京市六合区,程桥街道河北路1号 |
发布时间:2020-06-13 02:42:28
Inward opening and inward hanging for air ventilation and exchange.
s***ing interior space, innovative and reliable
The paint will not fall off after expoure to the wind or sun fora long time.
shear force of the material is 1200(200 in China) and the materal will not deform
w hich is an advantage over other malerials
Doors and windows can be made into wood grain colors and various other colors
so customers will h***e greater opti***. Doors and windows are manufactured using
high technology which can mee , difterent demands
Aluminum Compoite Wood Door and Window, uses wood and alumnum as the frame matena
outside and broken bride thermal insulation structure inside. The glass used mostly uses hollow
tampered glass. The aluminum material can not only be water-proof and moisture-proof, but als
will not deform easily with its metallicity. which is sutable for water accumulation enviromment
such as the balcony. kitchen and bathroom
Aluminum Compoite wood Door and Window has another importance feature. Broken Bnd
Hollow structure fully reflects the energy-s***ing environmentally friendly properties of the
door and window. Such a structure enhances the sound insuation and airt
function of thermal preservation and thermal insulation, greatly reducing the
from heating and cooling
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江苏宁仁家居科技有限公司 电话:025-69799196 传真:025-69799196 联系人:郑总 15996309991
地址:南京市六合区,程桥街道河北路1号 主营产品:家居用品,建筑材料,家居技术开发等
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